• Behavior and Training

    Dogs exhibit a wide array of behaviors -- some natural for them, others frustrating for you. It is important to understand what regular activity is for dogs and give them constructive time and space to act upon them, like digging and chewing. Other behaviors can be problematic to socialization, cleanliness

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  • Behavior and Training

    Natural Behaviors Problem Behaviors Training Natural Behaviors One way to prepare for cat ownership is to make sure you understand the natural behaviors associated with cats. Here are a few basic behaviors inherent to a cat's constitution and disposition: Nocturnal Activity. Cats are nocturnal creatures

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  • Choosing Your Pet

    There are more than 400 different breeds of dogs, each with its unique characteristics and personality. Understanding breeds' characteristics is a good place to begin your selection process. Before you start, though, develop a list of the personality traits you'd like in your dog. Then, consider your

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  • Choosing Your Pet

    Cats have been domesticated for literally thousands of years. Yet they continue to behave according to their earlier natures as predators of vermin. They are creatures of habit who value cleanliness and routine. They love to hunt and roam. They also are the number one choice of pets in the U.S. Cats

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  • Choosing a Pet

    Selecting Your Pet No matter your age or stage, a pet can be a lovable companion. Whether you're old or young, living with others or alone, becoming a pet owner is a significant responsibility. That's why it is essential to consider your options and learn more about different types of pets or breeds

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  • Daily Care and Grooming

    Handling Waste Management Grooming Handling For small dogs, place one hand under the dog to support its chest and use the other forearm or hand to support its hind legs. For larger dogs, lift the dog from the underside. Place one hand and forearm supporting the chest and the other hand and forearm

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  • Diet and Nutrition

    Water Water serves two primary purposes for dogs. First, it is important to keep dogs hydrated, which supports the healthy operations of its internal systems. Second, water acts as a cooling mechanism for dogs, because they don't perspire (except on their feet). To cool down and prevent overheating,

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  • Diet and Nutrition

    Water It is critical that you make fresh water available to your cat at all times. Keep the water fresh by changing it frequently; at least three to four times a day. Use a low bowl or saucer that your cat can easily access and wash it with soap and water daily. Diet and Nutrition Cats are naturally

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  • Handling and Grooming

    Handling Grooming Brushing Declawing and Nail Clipping Bathing Tooth Brushing Ear Cleaning Handling To handle an adult cat, put one hand beneath the chest and use the other to support the cat's hind quarters. For kittens, be sure to support theirs legs and feet at well. Please note:

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  • Health Care

    Vet Visits Vaccinations Spaying and Neutering Common Health Issues Vet Visits Next to you and your family, your veterinarian is one of the most important people in your dog's life. You should identify a veterinarian for your new dog before you bring it home and arrange for a first appointment

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  • Health Care

    Vet Visits Vaccinations Common Health Issues Spaying and Neutering Vet Visits Next to you and your family, your veterinarian is one of the most important people in your cat's life. You should identify a veterinarian for your new cat before you bring it home and arrange for a first appointment

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cat Bed and Bedding Carrier Litterbox and Litter Scratching Post Cat Bed and Bedding Even if you plan to allow your pet to sleep on your bed or any other soft surfaces in your home, you need to set up a dry, warm place that is just for your cat. Bring home a cat bed that has one, lower side

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Housing Different people have different expectations about how freely they want their dogs to roam in their homes day and night. Whether you choose to allow you dog on the furniture, sleep in bed with a family member or have access to all areas of your home, it is still important that you keep a crate

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  • Kitten Care

    When kittens are born, they are completely dependent on their mothers. They don't have any vision or hearing until between two and five weeks. At one month old, kittens learn to walk, run, jump and play by observing their mother and interacting with their litter mates. By the time kittens reach three

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  • Pet Loss

    The end of a pet's life can be one of the most difficult and emotional responsibilities associated with pet ownership, whether the animal dies of old age, an illness or an accident. All pet owners know that, at some point, their pet is going to die. But the reality is always harder than anything imagined,

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  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    Exercise In the natural environment, cats spend their days hunting for prey. They run and jump, hide and pounce, bat and play until they've completed their kill. Today, most pet cats are indoor creatures and do not need to defend themselves from predators or hunt for food. You need to give your cat the

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  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    Daily Exercise Exercise is important to maintaining healthy muscles, bones and joints in dogs and for keeping major organs functioning smoothly. Dogs that get adequate exercise daily tend to look good, feel good and live longer. Exercise helps work off excess energy in dogs so that they can act more

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  • Socialization

    Cats are easily stressed, which is why they depend so much on routine. As a result, anything new can be a problem for them. You need patience and consistency to give cats time to get comfortable with any changes, new people and new behaviors. With You With Another Cat With a Dog or Other Pet

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  • Socialization

    With People With Children and Infants With Multiple Dogs With Cats and Other Pets With People It is important to get your dog used to meeting new people from the youngest age possible. Some breeds are naturally sociable; others are reticent. You'll want your dog to be friendly without being

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  • Special Needs

    Travel By Car Many dogs enjoy car rides, especially with the window down, the air blowing across their coats, and the movement, sights and sounds. But some dogs are fearful of car rides or behave in annoying or dangerous ways. You need to take your dog on a few short car rides to understand how it behaves

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  • Stages of Life

    Like people, dogs behaviors and health change through different stages of their lives. By knowing what to expect, you won't be thrown off balance when your dog suddenly adopts a unexpected behavior or shows signs of "unlearning" behaviors you thought it had mastered. Puppies Adolescence Old Age

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